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July 27 , 2024
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ETIC is Etay Harari , born and living in Israel. Etay is a musician and sound engineer for the past 15 years. He started playing drums and guitar when he was 15 years old, moved on to producing Rock music. During the 90's Electronic beats started gradually to take over, and for the last 6 years he was busy experimenting and producing various styles of sound ranging from deep ambient and chill out to groove electronic rock highly influenced...As for the last 3 years ETIC focuses on dance floor music, producing and playing progressive/minimal/full psytrance. Or as he defines it: "Progressive worm of sound bearing a strong groove surrounded by a Psychedelic atmosphere."

Etic released two albums -Touchups ( Trancelucent ,Jun.2004) Feedback ( Trancelucent ,Jul.2005).

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