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July 27 , 2024
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Erez Yaffe & Sami Sabin from Holon, both born in 1980, first met 20 years ago in the 1st grade. At Samothraki 2003, the two met again to form ITP (Individual Thought Patterns), a group aiming to give the world their own individual concept of what Psy-Trance should be like.
Each with a background of over 13 years of guitar playing, Sami & Erez took up synthesis and composition studies and started to form their concept.
ITP is influenced by a variety of musical patterns, undefined by style or genre.Some of the artists they like are: Squarepusher, Bach, Spiral Architecht, John Mc'laughlin and Shakti, Shpongle, King Crimson, Death, Gentle Giant, Mozart, Gordian Knot, Hallucinogen and many more.
Since 2005 they have been playing their music all around Israel and their 1st release "ITP - Strange Attracktors" has just come out on SunDance Records.

Dynaudio BM6
Hafler Transnova P3000 Amplifier

RME Digi96 soundcard
2 Universal Audio UAD-1DSP Cards
Midiman Radium 49

Ibanez R540
Fender Stratocaster
Admira Malaga
Digitech multi FX

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