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July 27 , 2024
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Ritmo project is solo band of Dubi Dagan (30), lives in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Dubi joined the scene at 1998 when he was traveling the world, discovering many kinds of Trance parties and Trance people from various countries like Japan, U.S.A, India and more.

Since 2003 until august 2005 Dubi took main part in Bionics Records as an office manager and PR of the label and worked with the label on its most famous party line in the Luna Club every Thursday as a residential DJ.

From January 2005 Dubi started to work on Ritmo project with another guy call: Eitan Morgenstern and together they released few tracks in various labels.

In june 2006 Dubi decided to move to Tel-Aviv and to continue work on music for Ritmo project alone, released some tracks in few labels and also a compiled his V/A “Grand Slam” in Iono Music.

Nowadays Dubi is currently working for his debut album that will be release in the middle of 2008 in Iono Music.

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