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July 27 , 2024
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Technodrome is shay ben haiun born in 1981 and originaly from the south of israel {kiriat gat}

Shay discoverd the trance music in 1996 and he knew that he will be in this scene for a long time.

He started to play in a few nature and friends parties but it wasn´t enough so he started to build his own studio in 2002 and started to make his own music under the name Tecnhodrome.

Technodromes music is a mix of dark and full on.his music has already been played in portugal,greece, russia and israel.

Technodrome has already released his first album EARTHQUAKE in 2005 this album played in parties all over the world.

Right now he is working on a few tracks for compilations and also working on his second album that will be released soon!!!

Studio gear:

PC Pentium 4 2.80Ghz 1GB RAM
pulsar 2 plus souncard
esi quadrafire 610 souncard
m -audio bx8 monitors
behringer eurorack mx 2804 mixer
m-audio radium 4 octave keyboard
and a lot of vst instruments and plug ins.

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