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July 27 , 2024
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Aerospace is Guy Youngman (aka DJ Guyshanti) from Nahariya, Israel.

Guy was born in 1972 and has had a keen interest in music from an early age, mainly in rock and metal. In 1995 he was exposed to trance music for the first time and started djing and producing original material in 1998. shortly after he met Josef (Dudu) Atrash and formed Evil Drug Lords, a project that lasted for more than four years during which the duo has released over 20 tracks for compilations on many leading labels.

In 2005 Guy began his solo progressive trance project Aerospace.

These days Guy is one of the busiest underground DJs in Israel. He is also cofounder of Isratrance.com and has been hosting the weekly Hafirot Trance Magazine on Kol Hakampus 106FM for the past three years.

Aerospace-Earth,album will be coming soon on Midijum Records.

 Contact: guyshanti@isratrance.com
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