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July 27 , 2024
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Kalilaskov AS

Cherkashin Vadim aka Kalilaskov AS was born in Belorussia in 1983.

In the year 1996 he moved to Israel and got infected by electronic music.
In the year 2000 he started playing in private friends open air parties.
in 2001 he started to produce his own project Kalilaskov AS,heavy night underground trance music.

His first release was in Nabi Records(France) in V/A - "Psychiatric Hospital Ahead". Second in Manic Dragon Records(Hong Kong) V/A - "Light from the Depths of Chaos". Next releases coming soon in Hypnotica Records(Shweeden),Kagdila Records(U.S.A.),Evil Knivel Records(Germany) and Nabi Records again.Now work with many other labels and have other releases on different worldwide labels.

Home studio:
Pentium 4
Cubase Vst
Virus A Classic
Nord Lead 3
roland EF-303
Drum Modul - Roland TD-5
Mixer Yamaha MG 12/4
Midi Keybord
Monitors Samson 5.8
Soundcart Luna 2

Web sites: www.myspace.com/kalilaskovasmusic
E-Mail and MSN: vadtrip@mail.ru
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