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July 27 , 2024
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Patrick Chen, born in Israel in 1976, discovered the Psychedelic Trance music at age of 18 while serving in the Israeli army. His musical background contained rock and alternative music, and since the Trance music really got him hooked, his dream was to create it by himself.
At age of 21, Patrick left Israel for a long trip in Asia, visiting Thailand and India, where he had the chance to play as a DJ for the first times. On 1998-2001, Patrick lived in Japan, where he worked with Vision Quest and later on running the Vision Quest branch in Osaka.
After coming back to Israel, Patrick started to study Sound Practical Engineering in the north of Israel and started to make his own music in his new studio. At the same time he also organized trance parties together with Bionics.

PTX music is mostly full on trance for the dancefloor with powerful rhythms and psychedelic leads and sounds. He also collaborated with other artists such as Rinkadink, Onyx and Electrosphere. Patrick is now working on his debut album and plays in many parties in Israel and aboard. Together with Onyx he performs a special live set together.

He released so far: PTX - Jungle Wave (Made to Measure), PTX - POS 51 (Direct Out), Onyx & PTX - One for Eight (Direct Out).PTX - Participate In the Xperiment (Bionics 2005). More releases coming soon.


E-Mail: PTX@bionics-records.com

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