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July 27 , 2024
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Mystica - China

 ( BNE ,  Jul. 1999 )

1. China (radio mix) 3:59 2. China (album mix) 6:19 3. Roni's Guitar 6:52

China is taken from Mystica's long awaited album, Age of Innocence, this is a very chilled track, almost ethnic ambient, a very nice track that could find it's place easily in world music compilations. It is definitely aimed to mainstream radio, and thus the shorter radio mix here. Very nice track- not really trance though.
Roni's Guitar (also from the album), is a guitar track with fully sampled atmospheric guitar lines (played by Roni Cohen- surprising?). This is a more energetic track, with a lot of guitar work, sampled Darbukas- very happy track, but also chilled in a way, kind of fluffy X-Dream sound- funny.

Recomendation:  Mystica is going mainstream, trance is going mainstream- nice chilled tracks, but this one is aimed to the radio stations, so if you want this music, better get the album.

Review by : Shahar

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