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July 27 , 2024
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Power Source - Goaway EP

 ( Matsuri ,  1996 )

A. Goaway 9:01 B. Gargamel 10:19

Two classic Goa storming hits from Power Source (then Nati Mishali, Shahaf Shwartzman and nati bit) that where released also on Goa Vibes 3 in Phonokol.
Goaway is a relentless pounding track and a classic Goa trance anthem. A very happy track with very full sounds and great melodies, including a great melodic build up that will make you jump and cry of happiness at the same time. This track has that emotional optimistic atmosphere about it, bringing you the nostalgic feeling of the good old days. It definitely shows you the way to Goa and teaches you the Goa way. Gargamel has a different atmosphere to it, a lot of percussion work, screaming samples and a grinding beat. You get a great squeezing build up, built on melodies alone in the middle of the track- beautiful. The very hypnotic melodic work keeps it up all along the track, starting with darker melodies in the beginning, sliding slowly into the happy realm with a bit of an oriental aroma, and ending the track with a winning storming melodic second build up.

Recomendation:  Great classics from Power Source, long tracks with a story, a lot of happiness and a lot of exploding energy, you can still play these in the morning of a good powerful party and send people flying around.

Review by : Shahar

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