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July 27 , 2024
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Baruch Geda, born in 1988, Haifa, a city in north Israel.
Baruch began to listen to Trance music since he was a child and enjoyed to fall asleep with Goa trance. In the age of 12 he decided he wanted to create music. In his first step to the music world Baruch experienced with software's like Impulse tracker , Fast tracker , Fruity loops and now Cubase SX.
With the development of Trance he founded the Netrosystem project with his friend Guy, the two had succeeded to preformed in nature and underground parties in all along the country and to create a few tracks and after a year and a half of cooperation the two friend team broke and each went to his own way because of personal reasons.

Today Baruch works under the name Netrosystem and creates psychedelic trance with negatives affects, his inspiration comes from views and different atmospheres, in his opinion the most beautiful hour to create music is in the early hours of the morning and when he creates he feel hypnotize like the music and the sounds are controlling him, he is out of control !
Nowdays Baruch is working with his friend Eli on new project called "Overloons", expect to surprise!!!

Currently released:
Netrosystem - From the Circus (Shamanfilms records)
Netrosystem - Tarantella (Hypnotica records)
Psychoz vs Netrosystem vs Aremakki - The Devils Lake (Nabi records)
Upcoming releases on: Anomalistic , Ohm Bass, Bhooteshwara, Psybertribe, Hypnotica.

 Contact:For booking: Netrosystem__Baruch@hotmail.com
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