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July 27 , 2024
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BLT - Pulp Fiction EP

 ( Krembo / USTA ,  Feb. 1999 )

A1. Gingis Channa 7:42 142bpm A2. This is Not 7:37 150bpm B. Pulp Fiction 9:07 148bpm

A beautiful full on fullpower intelligent EP from BLT- A shame these tracks are not on CD, maybe one day, meanwhile, vinyl lovers rejoice! BLT deliver here a trio of strong dancing night tracks, much more full on than most stuff on Alchemic Anacdote.
Gingins Channa is a strong pounding track with a bit of an X-Dream sound to it, and you have that crazy distorted chainsaw effect that keeps coming back at you, giving your body and mind epileptic twists. This is twisted, yet melodic and full of emotions, especially the end of the track.

This Is Not, is a fast no-mercy track, hitting you hard right from the start. As the track goes on, the melodies start to develop and I just love the great use of those sampled voices- a real stormer of a track, this one.

On the B-side, you find Pulp Fiction. This is my favorite here, starting with a distorted sample and sliding into the beat, a track full of sounds that are dark, yet optimistic. Relentless pounding accompanied by mysterious flying sounds, beautiful crackling games, soothing melodies and very complex musical layering. Yuli even succeeds in using that famous Pulp Fiction sample without sounding boring, the distorted voices run all along the track. Just great!

Recomendation:  If you can still find this thing, just get it! Pulp Fiction alone is worth running around searching for it. Yuli makes old Goa music in spirit and new psy trance in sounds- something I keep searching for without too much success. His music sounds very open, with a lot of space in it and in the same time is fast and hits you hard- a lot of work for your imagination. I'm waiting for more.

Review by : Shahar

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