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February 8 , 2025
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Chillum vol. 2

 ( Agitato ,  Apr. 2002 )

1. Secret Lab- Some Day 2. Troya Mood- C.L.E. 3. Space Buddha- Okapi 4. Psydrop- The Minotaur 5. Guro Nation- New Religion 6. T.K.Y.- Atmosphere 7. Pierre Cloud- Digital Metro 8. Soul Static- Step Toward Relaxation 9. Sesto Sento- Common Modra

A second Chillum compilation from the chill out series from the house of renewed Agitato. Mostly new artists presenting tribal ambient tracks nicely sewn together.

Secret Lab opens the journey- Some Day is a nice creation- real music here, deep, hypnotic, with a real story and a rich soundscape- this is a name to watch. Troya Mood continues with some vocal, operaic sounds and some annoying sounds. Nothing special here. Space Buddha continue with Okapi (T3)- a simple tribal beat that grabs you into an uplifting melodic tribal piece, with native American chanting and simple catchy and touchy melody. Psydrop melts right in with The Minotaur (T4), and keeps it in line with a nice tribal drumming, native American flute-life lines and a lot of chanting. But it gets lost in the middle. Guro Nation keep the tribal feel with New Religion (T5), nice hypnotic metallic drums, driving dark atmosphere. T.K.Y. with Atmosphere (T6), follow with nice simple relaxing dreamy melodic track with strong atmosphere. Simple and beautiful. Pierre Cloud changes atmosphere to a more loungey feel with jazzy lines and nice carrying groove and a lot of pips and blips around. Excellent track, but out of place here. Soul Static next with bad sound and nitzhonot moves- don't like it. Sesto Sento close the CD with a very nice tune that shows how much talent these guys have. Common Modra (T9) is mysterious and mellow and you can easily fly with it to another dimension. Still work needed on the sound though.

Recomendation:  A nice journey into ambient sounds, very trancey and with mostly tribal feel to it. A lot of good magical moments here. A shame that the sound work is lacking in many tracks, but that is understandable with so many new artists. Still a good ending to a rough weekend.
My favorites: 1(!), 2 , 3(!) , 6, 8, 10.

Review by : Shahar

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