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July 27 , 2024
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Green House Effect vs. Sandman 12"

 ( Balloonia ,  Oct. 2001 )

A. Green House Effect vs. Sandman- Tribal Blah Blah 140bpm B. Green House Effect- Deep Cover 130bpm

An EP from Itzik Levy representing an inner battle between his two project- Sandman & Green House Effect.
The A side, taken from Tribal Dance Experience gives you the subtle caressing atmospheric sound of Green House Effect together with Sandman's crazy games of sound in the back (check the Black Sabbath bells & crazy hi-hats)- tribal fun with powerful atmosphere. I really like this one.
The B Side, Deep Cover, is the darkest track from Global Warming, and my favorite track from the album (setting the remixes aside). Deep thick atmosphere, powerful punching kick and bassline, jumpy rhythm, and you get enough of those little mind tricks. A great mellow melody flying up high enters in the middle, and there's always enough drive to move you. Beautiful.

Recomendation:  A very powerful atmospheric release on vinyl- go get it.

Review by : Shahar

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