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July 27 , 2024
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Infected Mushroom & Yahel - Electro Panic EP

 ( TIP World ,  Dec. 2002 )

A. Infected Mushroom & Yahel- Electro Panic 8:15 B. Infected Mushroom & Yahel- Electro Panic (Eat Static remix) 8:27

A 12” dedicated to the highly successful collaboration between Infected Mushroom & Yahel- Electro Panic. On the A side we find the original, originally released on Yahel’s third album- Private Collection, and re-released quite a few times since. This is a totally electroish track that causes chaos on every dancefloor, be it in the woods or in a flashy club. Massive, with a real different feal.
On the B side, an Eat Static remix. Merv actually takes the track to the more psytrancey side of things, and less to the electroish realm, which I thought would have been more interesting. The remix is adding a more psychedelic feel, more atmosphere, lotsa little mind games, really good track, but not so much Electro Panic anymore.
I still think that this track deserves a more electro-technoish remix that will do it right.

Recomendation:  a good vinyl to have. The A side will do it in a club, the B side will do it outdoors.

Review by : Shahar

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