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July 27 , 2024
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Quantum - Flangerized CDS

 ( BNE ,  Mar. 2004 )

1. Flangerized 7:33 2. Flangerized (Fatali remix) 7:31 3. Chop 7:35

Quantum, better known as Gidi Hovek Olam, presents us this CD single before the release of his full length debut album later this year.

The title track of this single is Flangerized. The track is very atmospheric and psychedelic, yet melodic. I liked the guitar-like sounds- they sound really nice, with a bit of an oriental touch to them. The entire track has a feeling of old school style music, maybe a bit goa-ish, but with today's production level. The next track is the Fatali remix to Flangerized. Fatali adds groove and dancefloor potential to the original. The last track is Chop. Again- this track is atmospheric and psychedelic, a bit darker than the previous but still interesting and refreshing.

Recomendation:  Innovative, different music. All 3 tracks are great, and it will probably turn into a collector's item in a few years.

Review by : Mike A

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