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July 27 , 2024
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Safi Connection - Adrenochrome EP

 ( Spirit Zone ,  Dec. 2002 )

A. Adrenochrome 8:34 B. D-Spell 7:20

Safi Connection is back after the album release in Spectrum. This time Michel is on his own after he and Tamir from Atomic Pulse have parted ways. The outcome is two soft catchy melodic tracks with positive optimistic feel and atmosphere.

Adrenochrome on the A side is a beautiful sunrise track with nice melodic lines hovering around and a lot of little sounds flying all about you. It keeps grooving and carrying you with a sort of a relaxed atmosphere. The samples I don't really like, I'm kind of tired of pointless drug samples, but still this is a very nice track. On The B Side we find D-Spell, that does much better on that front. It starts with a moving bass line, more intense in atmosphere, though still with some mind-relaxing overall feel. Later it builds up to a more full on feel with a nice break and build up, and a driving push in the end.

Recomendation:  Nice melodic psytrance for the floor's first sunny moments to those who missed it.

Review by : Shahar

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