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July 27 , 2024
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Star-X - Prepare to Fly

 ( Com.pact ,  Sep. 2003 )

1. Star-X- Soap 8:03 2. Star-X & Visual Paradox- Sunset in Sao Paulo 6:35 3. Star-X & Wrecked Machines- Output 7:00 4. Star-X- Secret 7:35 5. Star-X- Shooting Stars 7:55 6. Star-X & Dynamic- M-Trick 8:03 7. Star-X & Atomic Pulse- Time Keeper 7:53 8. Star-X- What Does It Feel Like? 8:11 9. Star-X- Ocean View (pump mix) 6:29 10. Star-X- Dingo 7:05

This is the first album of Star-X (Eran Hennenberg), with 4 tracks made together with other people, which adds to the diversity. The cover is very beautiful, and fits the music inside- mystical, cosmic, floating and flying.

Soap is the first track. It introduces us to the Star-X style, light morning music. Very melodic, but not in a cheesy way- little lines and notes delayed all over the place. Star-X joins Bog aka Visual Paradox for Sunset in Sao Paulo. The psychedelic factor is high on this one- good track with good progression. Output is a collaboration with Wrecked Machines- this time getting to the more full on side. The Wrecked Machines influence can be clearly heard on this one. Back to working solo, this time with Secret (T3). This is where the album gets boring. Sounds the same like the previous tracks. Shooting Stars is a nice pause with a slow groove, trippy sounds and dreamy vocals. Going back to the trance, M-Trick (T6) is a track with Dynamic, and except for the higher BPM I can't really hear the influence of Dynamic. Sounds exactly like everything else. Time Keeper together with Atomic Pulse brings a welcome change, getting harder with some aggressive sounds, dancefloor sound is here! The trend continues with What Does It Feel Like?- another pumping (as pumping as Star-X' style can be) dancefloor track. Ocean view is another track which sounds like the rest, nothing special here. Closing the album is Dingo- a beautiful track, filled with emotion and vibe, a perfect ending to this album.

Recomendation:  Star-X has a great style, great production skills, dreamy and emotional music and great vibes. There is one problem, half of the tracks in this album sound the same. Some extra diversity and "album feeling" could add quite a lot to this album. Still, it is a very good album and a welcome change from the regular music we are used to.
Favorites: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10.

Review by : Mike A

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