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July 27 , 2024
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Triac - Sink 12"

 ( Domo ,  Jun. 2002 )

A. Sink B. Brain Can Dance

Triac, uprising tech-trance masters from south of Israel deliver a killer 12" with two acidic dark growling tracks, with amazing groove and sharp penetrating sounds. Excellent production, massive atmosphere, and great mind work. An excellent first release from new Israeli Domo records.

Sink on the A side grabs you immediately with that growling crawling bass line- rrrrr….. It practically warms your body if you're close to the speakers. Flying whispering crackling scratching sounds all around and a perfect break, all dipped in a butt moving groove and a dark frightening atmosphere. B side is Brain Can Dance, and it can if you just immerse yourself in this track- more jumpy and bumpy than sink, with a horse-riding rhythm, and so much happening around you all the time. And prepare to explode after that break! Great- this one is my favorite here.

Recomendation:  Solid! You like tech-trance? Do yourself a favor and get this. You don't like? This is a good place to start...

Review by : Shahar

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