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July 27 , 2024
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Yahel - For the People 12"

 ( Transient ,  Jan. 2002 )

A. For the People 7:53 AA. Sound and Melody 7:53

First time on vinyl (and its about time), For the People is one of the melodic classics of Israeli trance. Written by Yahel and Erez Eizen from Infected Mushroom it circulated for a while as "Infected Melody" in the DAT Mafia causing chaos in the mornings on many dancefloors. It was then released on Yahel's first album by the same name in SST. This is a beautiful morning tune with a melody that stays forever and never tires me, no matter how many times I've heard it. It's also perfect for morning mayhem- explosive material!
Sound and Melody is a mellower piece with nice subtle percussion work and some clubby touches. Still it has beautiful melodic caresses and can serve as an excellent sunrise tune. Strong emotional power without unnecessary explosions.

Recomendation:  Perfect for morning dancefloors. A good word for Transient.

Review by : Shahar

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