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July 27 , 2024
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Cosma - Out of Range 12"

 ( BNE ,  Jun. 2002 )

A. Cosma- Out of Range (Son Kite remix) 142bpm 9:07 B. Cosma- Out of Range 142bpm 8:54

A great dancefloor crasher 12" from Cosma with the original Out of Range from his Simplicity album on the B side- a massive one, nice freestyling intro, and than the power kicks in, full on power twisting around with great groove that'll every butt move. Excellent irresistible drive.
On the A side you get a real candy- a surprising remix from Swedish masters Son Kite, who surprise and deliver a touching melodic anthem, but with the right amount of exploding energy on top of kick-bass combination that only they can make. This is one of these rare tracks when the whole point of the story is in the beginning- just wait for the sunrise and play it all from start to end.

Recomendation:  Must be owned by any DJ that wants to make his crowd fly.

Review by : Shahar

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