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January 16 , 2025
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ISRaliens 3 - Conflict

 ( HOMmega ,  Sep. 2001 )

1. Private Taste- First 132bpm 9:11 2. Astrix & Atomic Pulse- Optical Vibes 138bpm 7:05 3. Illumination & Perplex- Real Magic 138bpm 7:39 4. Yahel- Evolution 142bpm 7:36 5. Psy Sex- Amphitamaniac 143bpm 8:25 6. Xerox on Maskalin- Fanatical Clubbers 144bpm 7:38 7. Psy Craft- Muse 142bpm 8:44 8. Hujaboy- Counting Spirals 139bpm 7:14 9. BLT- Bass Tah 137bpm 7:18

Hommega present us with the third in the Isralien series. The name is Conflict, and the Conflict is felt. This CD runs between few poles, touching the crunchy progressive, the cold techno-trance, the full on, the clubby, and the pure groovy. If you like your music diverse and on a wide range of styles and sounds- you have the right CD in your hands.

Private Taste open the CD with the new hit single from Automatic, a deep clubby track. Domestic, Astrix and two friends deliver another slow emotional climaxing tune, early Platipus style. Nice caressing fluffy opening. Then very soon you find yourself in another world altogether. Again it's Astrix, this time with Atomic Pulse with one of my favorites here- Optical Vibes (T2) is a slow killer, very Ticon influenced, but the powerful kind of Ticon. A real floor stormer and surely "The Hit" of this CD- expect it in a lot of top tens. Illumination and Perplex (T3) follow with a very psychedelic tune full of squeaks and tweaks laid on a nice groove, with crazy scratches and some spooky moments, but the track just gets lost in the break. Than is surprise time with Yahel- don't expect anything too Yahelish in here, not as you knew it so far, that is. Again the progressive Swedish influences are felt, but with a touch of Yahel, less darkish, and more straight in your face- very powerful dancefloor mover for different arenas. PsySex follow with a sequel to L.S.Dance- sample-wise, that is. Personally it sounds contrived to me. The samples are nice, the track is nice- but they just don't connect. It will probably be a hit, but I really don't like it too much.
Xerox on Maskalin (meaning written by Moshe Kenan and produced by his Maskalin partner- Itzik Benisti) follow with a climaxing track with an exploding build-up only Moshe can make. Full on crazyness with a touch of clubby and scando sounds and great tribal shouts- A stormer. PsyCraft with a first release after Gravitech give us a perfect blend of full on madness and scando sounds, another favorite here. Hujaboy is Counting Spirals (T8) in a darkish techy tune with devastating bassline, a lot of energy and a real alien, almost frightening, atmosphere. BLT ends the CD with the best track here for me- Bass Tah- which has all of Yuli's amazing percussion mind games- just listen to the first minute and a half with headphones- your head will spin! I feel like my ears are knotted all around my head! This is a crazy happy tune that makes your entire body dance, and you'll feel that every limb wants to do a dance of its own. Add the massive break and crazy groove, and all you've got left is a taste for more.

Recomendation:  As I wrote, a very diverse release. Less together than the first two, but better in quality in a lot of aspects. Bass Tah and Optical Vibes alone makes this a must.

Favorite tracks:2(!), 3, 6, 7, 8, 9(!!)

Review by : Shahar

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